Agtegra Cooperative is looking for passionate, driven, and future-oriented leaders ready to impact our growing and changing industry through our scholarship program! 

Scholarship Eligibility:

  • 3.0 minimum GPA required
  • Must plan to or attend a 2- or 4-year post-secondary institution in South Dakota or North Dakota
  • Must plan to pursue an agricultural degree/program or career field after graduation
  • Must be a U.S. citizen

Application Deadline: January 17, 2025

Scholarship recipients will be announced in the spring, and money will be distributed to the recipients' respective institutions in the summer. Recipients will have the opportunity to shadow someone at Agtegra for a day in their area of interest.

Questions? Email us at


Funding: Ten (10) high school scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each, and one (1) collegiate scholarship in the amount of $1,000.

  • Scholarships are given on an annual basis and must be used only for the academic year immediately following the date awarded.
  • Scholarships will be paid to the successful applicant via his/her university, college, or other academic institution, as indicated in the application and will be dispersed through its financial aid office in accordance with its usual process. If the indicated post-secondary institution should change, the applicant must notify Agtegra prior to the beginning of the academic year.
  • Scholarships are awarded on a one-time-only basis and will not be eligible for re-application in following years. For example, if you have received the high school senior scholarship, you will not be eligible for the collegiate scholarship in following years.
  • Children of employees and board members are eligible to win.
  • Students who will be or have interned with Agtegra are also eligible to win.

Agtegra reserves the right to modify or cancel any aspect of the Agtegra Agricultural Scholarship Program and/or any related information contained in the Agtegra scholarship website (, in each case, without prior notice. Agtegra shall not be responsible, and specifically disclaims any responsibility, for the consequences of any such modification or cancelation. Agtegra also reserves the right to accept or deny (for any or no reason) any application for the Agtegra Agricultural Scholarship and has no obligation to grant a scholarship to any applicant, to renew any scholarship once it has been granted or to offer employment or an internship to any applicant.

In the case of conflict among the policies or statements in this document, the most stringent policy shall apply. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to become familiar with these policies, as well as the local laws of any foreign country that may apply to the applicant and the privacy policy that is referenced below.


When you visit the Agtegra Scholarship website you will automatically give Agtegra the right to receive and collect certain information about you. If you apply for the Agtegra Agricultural Scholarship, you automatically will have agreed to the Agtegra Privacy Policy.